Festes de la Terra - Family Entertainment

From 7pm to 10pm on each of the 3 days in Plaza Antoni Albert i Nieto there will be entertainment laid on especially for the children. There will be workshops with original & creative things to do; games & sporting activities for all the family. Every day ay 9pm there wil be a show - either a magic show with Mago Dantés, fun with the clown Cachirulo, or story telling by members of Clownidoscopio.

mié 1 agosto 2012, a partir de 19:00
jue 2 agosto 2012, a partir de 19:00
vie 3 agosto 2012, a partir de 19:00

Dónde: Ibiza Town (Eivissa)

From 7pm to 10pm on each of the 3 days in Plaza Antoni Albert i Nieto there will be entertainment laid on especially for the children. There will be workshops with original & creative things to do; games & sporting activities for all the family. Every day ay 9pm there wil be a show - either a magic show with Mago Dantés, fun with the clown Cachirulo, or story telling by members of Clownidoscopio.

Ibiza Town (Eivissa)