Ibiza Fiesta: St. Bart in San Antonio

You must know the format by now. We celebrate every Saint's day in Ibiza.

You must know the format by now. We celebrate every Saint's day in Ibiza by padding it out with tons of fun and entertainment for two weeks before and two after. San Antonio celebrates San Bartolome's day on 24th August but the programme of events – live music, fireworks, sports competitions, feasting, mock battles and so on starts TOMORROW!

Apart from our listing below which we think will appeal to holidaymakers there's swimming, volleyball, motorcycle displays and rallies, cycling, art exhibitions, drawing competitions, pony rides, make-up workshops, water battles, foam parties, gymnastics and more.

san bartolome fiesta in san antonio, ibiza

Here are the main events which are all free.

13th 18.00 – Arts and crafts market in the church square
13th 21.30 – Just Friend Jazz Band in the church square
14th 22.00 – San Bartolome dance on Cala Gracio beach
15th 19.30 – Dance, music , games spectacular in the fountains square
20th 18.00 – Arts and crafts market in the church square
20th 21.30 – Fiesta Namaste (hippy chill out) in the church square
21st 21.30 – Concert with ressonadors/ Silencio Aparte in Cervantes college
22nd 22.00 – Concert with Seguridad Social in Cervantes college
23rd 19.00 – Variety Evening in the Plaza Espana with music, shows, games and food
24th 08.00 – Super loud fireworks reveille in the Plaza de Espana
24th 21.30 – Folk dancing in the church square
24th 22.15 – 'La Fiesta' with Eivi-dance in the fountains square
24th 23.30 – Paco Fernandez presents 'Entre Islas' in the fountains square
24th 00.00 – Fireworks display followed by Paco Fernandez
27th 18.00 – Arts and crafts market in the church square
29th 19.00 – Earth Festival in the fountains square, arts, crafts, food and entertainment
3rd 17.30 – Romans v Carthaginians on Arenal beach
4th 17.00 - Romans v Carthaginians on Arenal beach
4th 22.00 – Live concert with Los Inhumanos on Arenal Beach
5th 17.00 – Ibiza The Party (ethical festival) on Arenal Beach
10th 21.30 – Projecte Mut live in fountains square

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