Ibiza Park'n'Ride

Parking in Ibiza has always been a problem.

Parking in Ibiza has always been a problem. Particularly in summer when the world and his wife wants to sample the balmy, cosmopolitan evenings in the city. Help is at hand courtesy of Ibiza council which has started a Park'n'Ride scheme from two big car parks on the outskirts of town.

Now, happy parkers won't even have to enter the city in their cars, they can drop them off at either the Multicines or Gorg car parks (see map) and be shuttled into town on a regular free bus service every 15 minutes from 19.00 to 02.00!

Not only can folk rest easy knowing that it's easy to park, quick to get into town on the bus, but also the car parks themselves have security guards on hand to ensure nothing untoward happens to all the hire cars parked there.