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Ibiza Fiesta: San Juan

The San Juan Fiesta which celebrates St. John the Baptist really is a baptism by fire

The San Juan Fiesta which celebrates St. John the Baptist really is a baptism by fire. Coming as it does at the summer solstice it has taken on a significance of bidding a farewell to the demons of the old part of the year and welcoming a new better life to come.

The tradition in the village of San Juan in Ibiza is that nine 'bonfires' are lit in a line and people jump over the fires to symbolise leaving the old year behind. Like everywhere else on the island this local fiesta starts well in advance of the day itself. The main days though are the 23rd and 24th of June and here's the programme

22.00 Roast lamb BBQ for all
22.30 Brazilian Group Alo Bahia
23.30 Break Dance Demonstration
24.00 Nine Bonfires
00.30 Can Raia Rock Band
12.00 Mass
13.00 Folk Dancing
20.30 Macaroni competition and tasting
21.00 Karma – Indian Music and dancing
24.00 Fireworks display
00.30 Concert with the Blues Mafia Big Band

Our Spotlight Blog has details of other towns' celebrations of San Juan

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