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Circoloco @ DC10

Mondays have to be the worst day of the week - right? WRONG... Monday mornings in Ibiza are the start of something crazy...

Mondays have to be the worst day of the week - right? You start work for another 5 days, the weather is always grey and the weekend is just a distant memory.

WRONG! Monday mornings in Ibiza are the start of something crazy as DC10 stick up a two-fingered salute to the working week!

After Space closes and the anticipation of Manumission opening on Monday night what better way to fill the gap than with a bunch of corrupted, crazy clubbers than at Circoloco.

The Monday morning madness kicks off with residents Cirillo, Fabrizio, Tania Vulkano and Jo Mills doing their honours on the terrace and inside whilst special guests are kept under wraps and hush-hush! And with an entry fee of only 25 Euros you've already got yourself a free drink plus entry into a concoction of Italians, Spanish and Brits all pretty much "losing it".

So remember, when you're amongst some of the most obsessive club casualties, have a quick thought for your mate sat at work would you?!!

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