San Mateo Wine Festival XXI

The tiny village of San Mateo is surrounded by fertile earth ideal for growing grapes

The tiny village of San Mateo is surrounded by fertile earth ideal for growing grapes and is home to one of Ibiza's biggest wine producers, Can Maymo. However much of the wine produced in the area is Vi Pages, or country wine, made by local families in their fincas.

Every year the Neighbours Association of the village puts on a big fiesta to celebrate the wine and local food products and, surprise, surprise, this Saturday (10th December) sees the 21st edition of the wine fest.

Held at the San Mateo's sports ground starting at 17.00 there'll be around 600 litres of wine to sample – most of it in the traditional 'porrons' (wine jugs with long spouts which pour into the mouth) – and about 300 kilos of traditional sausages sizzling on barbecues thanks to two pigs weighing in at 550 kilos which have been slaughtered especially for the occasion.

Entertainment on the evening will be provided by local folk dancers and the Trio Paradis. Sounds like fun!

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