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Heard it on the Ibiza Grapevine

We've heard on the QT that this year's wine harvest in Ibiza

We've heard on the QT that this year's wine harvest in Ibiza will be down – boo! But it'll be loads better than last year – hurray! That's the bad and good news from the wine producers of Ibiza this year, less quantity but better quality.
Joan Bonet, who's the boss of the Sa Cova winery in San Mateo, says that weather conditions have affected the 2008 harvest but luckily the heavy downpours we had in August came too late to spoil the already mature grapes.
He says that the plain of San Mateo, surrounded by hills, has its own special micro-climate which delays the harvest of the grapes by a fortnight. This means that they're packed full of even more goodness for the production of red, white and rosé wines.
Of the vines grown at Sa Cova, which was established as recently as 1990, the syrah, merlot, malvasía and moscatel have already been harvested and only the monastrel remains out in the fields.
If you've never tried the island's wines before you can actually visit Sa Cova and sample them, or purchase a bottle or two from the supermarket, where prices start from around €6 and upwards.

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