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Arts and Crafts Ibiza

If it's Autumn it must be Arts and Crafts fare time in Ibiza

If it's Autumn it must be Arts and Crafts fare time in Ibiza. Today the 12th annual “Fira Artesana de sa Tardor” kicks off in a specially erected marquee in the shadow of the statue of Vara de Rey. It will open its flaps daily from 11 to 14 and then 18 to 23 hours until 23rd September.
As always the local arts and crafts sector will be well represented in the leather, glass, jewellery and ceramic sections and in addition craftsmen from all over Spain – the Basque country, Catalonia, Madrid and Castilla – La Mancha will be manning the 23 stalls.
There really are some wonderful individual and unusual items for sale – I bought some 'save-the-planet' ecologically produced, handmade, wing-tip leather brogues last year for a bargain €110!
If you're in Ibiza do have a look round as you're sure to find something you wouldn't see at home and don't forget that our local wine, sausage and cheese stall, Companatge, will be there too. (It's the law)

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