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St. George's Day in Ibiza

I bet you're all imagining us standing about saluting the Union Flag

I bet you're all imagining us standing about saluting the Union Flag while the gin-and-tonic-wallah at the British Consulate of Ibiza scatters our path with red rose petals. Well, we will of course be doing that, but in the in the rest of the island the natives will be celebrating Sant Jordi in a much less civilised manner.
They'll be whooping it up with feasting, drinking, music and dancing and just to add a touch of culture there'll be books and red roses given as presents to the boys and girls respectively. As usual, the celebrations in the village of Sant Jordi started a couple of weeks before the actual day so we've pulled out the highlights from this weekend.
Today 22.00 Live music with Los Mismos and 60's and 70's music
Saturday 21.30 Live music with Local Cero and Los Ilegales
Sunday 21.00 Live music with Ivan Doménech and Pota Lait
Monday 21.30 Dancing to the Platino Show Orchestra followed by a midnight fireworks display.
Friday 22.00 Salsa night!
Actually, we might give the G&T a miss!

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