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Ibiza's Easter Yacht Race

The island of Ibiza will once again be the finishing line

The island of Ibiza will once again be the finishing line for one of the Mediterranean's most important yachting events, The Ruta de la Sal, which has been held annually since 1989. What makes this race special is that it has two start points and two different routes. Yachts setting off from Barcelona keep Ibiza on the starboard side and arrive in Ibiza town via the Island of Tagomago – a distance of some 159 nautical miles. The Denia starters keep Ibiza to their port side and pass by Formentera, though this is a shorter distance of only 117 nautical miles.
Entry will be restricted to 300 boats, 150 from each start point, and there will be up to five categories of boat allowed to enter.
The event will as usual take place over the Easter holiday period which this year is from the 5th to 8th of April with a gala dinner and presentation taking place at Ibiza's Recinto Ferial on the 7th.

The race is held to commemorate a famous occasion in 1846 when the besieged city of Barcelona desperately needed salt and a local businessman challenged the leading mariners of the time to bring it the city from the salt pans of Ibiza. The winner back then was a schooner from Baltimore called the Maltese Falcon. We'll let you know which boat is worth its salt this year.

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