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Ibiza Cruisers

If predictions are correct then Ibiza will be visited by around 60,000 cruise ship passengers

If predictions are correct then Ibiza will be visited by around 60,000 cruise ship passengers this year. The port of Ibiza already has 114 cruises booked in for 2007 – the first of them, the good ship Adriana arrived last Saturday -and there is a possibility that more will arrive to make a significant improvement on last year's figure of 95 ships.
clipperDespite the construction of the dyke a few years ago there are still problems at the port regarding the arrival of these enormous floating palaces. The dyke has no facilities and passengers have to be bussed into town and the old harbour just cannot accommodate more than one giant ship at a time.
The company responsible for booking the cruisers into the port, Ibiza Consignatarios, says that it is essential that the much talked about improvements to the harbour are made so that cruiser arrivals can be maximised to allow the movement of about 150,000 passengers.

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