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Sales Time in Ibiza

Anyone interested in some cut-price retail therapy should put this important date in their Ibiza diary

Anyone interested in some cut-price retail therapy should put this important date in their Ibiza diary: July 8th. That’s the day the sales start officially on the island – just look out for the magic word ‘Rebajas’ in shop windows for that denotes a 50% off heaven for shopaholics.

But there’s a little problem, because the 8th is a Saturday, when astonishingly in the 21st century, Ibiza shops close at 1.30 PM until Monday. So shop owners have come up with a cunning plan to part us from our money – and no, it’s not to open on a Saturday afternoon when we all have time off. It’s to bring the sales forward to Friday 7th July when we’re all busy in work. Now isn’t that clever?

Holidaymakers will be happy to hear that in the resorts, the little tourist shops are open every day of the week for sales of everything from newspapers to souvenirs to cartons of milk. Now that really is clever!

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