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San Antonio's Church Cannon

The church of Ibiza's most famous holiday resort, San Antonio

The church of Ibiza's most famous holiday resort, San Antonio, is celebrating its 700th anniversary this year. To mark this event one of the two 18th century cannons which were once housed on the church has been restored to its original condition and position.

Visitors can inspect this remarkable piece of artillery which dates back to the days when the church provided the local populace with not only sanctuary but also protection from marauding pirates.

With vital statistics of 2.43 metres long, weighing 1360 kilos and with a 12 pound calibre the cannon was used to hurl 4 pound cannonballs a distance of some 3000 metres. This enabled it to protect the whole of the San Antonio bay out to the island of Conejera from enemy vessels.

The two cannons were removed from the church in the 1920's to prevent them damaging the roof of the old structure. Now that this one has been restored the next problem is to find the other one as nobody has any idea where it could be!

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