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Operation Snail

If you spent your Easter Bank Holiday as usual sitting in a massive traffic queue

If you spent your Easter Bank Holiday as usual sitting in a massive traffic queue getting frustrated and bored then you may think that anyone who did this of their own volition was barking mad.

Well, 80 protesters against the new motorways in Ibiza spent their holiday driving in a slow procession nicknamed Operation Snail, around the road 'improvements' proposed by the Government. They spent hours on the 50 Km route and finished off with a good old horn honking session outside the Government offices in Ibiza Town. Two of the drivers were admonished by the Guardia Civil for driving too slowly (another one for the Guinness Book of Records there!) and threatened with having their licenses confiscated.

Public feeling is still high against the 'motorways' and a group of 30 artists have just announced that they will be donating their works, paintings and sculptures, for sale at the Can Pou Bar in the Marina area of Ibiza, with all proceeds going to the protest organisation.

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