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Ibiza Town's Green Lung

Regular visitors to Ibiza will have noticed the spread of the concrete canyons of Ibiza town as...

Regular visitors to Ibiza will have noticed the spread of the concrete canyons of Ibiza town as more and more land is swallowed up to provide housing for the rapidly growing population and even I am guilty of the 'I remember when this was all fields' exclamation. Well, the town hall has just announced that it's going to build a new park in the Can Escandell area of the town which will cover 88,000 square metres, have an artificial lake, and cost €5 million.

Residents of the area, already inconvenienced by the needless doubling of the outer ring road, see this announcement as a sweetener to the plan to build 644 council houses in the area, about which they have complained bitterly. It seems to us like it's a case of you can't please all of the people all of the time.

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