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Dr. Feelgood

Legendary British R&B outfit Dr. Feelgood will be playing a one night stand

Legendary British R&B outfit Dr. Feelgood will be playing a one night stand in Playa den Bossa's Garbi disco on 5th November. There's sure to be fireworks from 11 PM when the dark suited rockers hit the stage to regale the crowd with their hits such as 'Back in the Night' and 'Milk and Alcohol.'

Celebrating their 25th anniversary in the business the band has seen some personnel changes in its time; Wilko Johnson left to pursue a solo career and singer Lee Brilleaux died of cancer in 1994. However one thing is sure to remain the same as all those years ago - the pure energy of the music - oh, and possibly the suits judging by the publicity shots we have.

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