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Bits and Bobs

Some totally unconnected but interesting bits of Ibiza information.

Some totally unconnected but interesting bits of Ibiza information.

Blue Zones: Motorists using the blue zone limited time parking areas in Santa Eulalia now have to pay for this privilege at the ticket machines positioned nearby.

House Prices: The cost of new homes in Ibiza continues to rise 'through the roof' with the average cost of one square metre of house now €1524 there has been an increase of 9% in just one year.

Health and Hygiene: A vigilante will patrol the weekly flea market in Sant Jordi to prevent any trade in animals or foodstuffs which currently breaks local hygiene laws. In the past it has been possible to buy cats, dogs, rabbits and even ponies as well as the fleas from which the market takes its name.

Fire Service: The Balearic Islands will now have their own helicopter as the first line of defence against forest fires. The chopper, which can carry 750 litres of water was previously shared between different provinces.

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