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The new super-fast, super-expensive, super-big ferry Nixe has finally arrived in Ibiza

The new super-fast, super-expensive, super-big ferry Nixe has finally arrived in Ibiza.

Readers may well remember its astonishing debut in our news pages when it went missing in the Far-East, believed shipnapped by pirates, and then turned up 3 days later in port after it had been caught in a cyclone.

The Nixe is an $18 million catamaran, 63 metres long and 16 wide, with a top speed of 32 knots and will carry up to 500 passengers on each of its journeys and was in Ibiza to test its docking and manoeuvring abilities.

After leaving Ibiza port it made the long journey to Formentera completely uneventfully and arrived safe and sound in the port of Savina 20 minutes later.

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