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The Best it Gets

We never learn. Every time we confidently predict a delay to the start or finish time to any project in Ibiza

We never learn. Every time we confidently predict a delay to the start or finish time to any project in Ibiza we always seem to be proved wrong. Not that there isn't a delay, just that it's a lot longer than we predicted!

Just this week, three sets of works at whose expense we'd had a good laugh because of their longevity were handed another dose of the Ibiza Mañana Factor (IMF) to delay them just that bit longer.

First on the list is the road to Cala Conta, a veritable lunar landscape of potholes and ridges which caused some mirth when it was announced that it would be resurfaced in the middle of May - now, even funnier, the start date will be 'in June' when 4,000 tourists per day hit the beach road.

Luckily we hadn't had time to announce the re-opening of Ibiza Town's main thoroughfare, The Avenida España, before it was announced that it wouldn't open last week after all, somebody had forgotten that the traffic lights needed reprogramming! So maybe next week on that one.

Finally we told an expectant world that the Es Vive health centre would be providing 24 hour emergency coverage to help the overworked Can Misses casualty department. It didn't - logistical problems were to blame - so July 1st is the next date plucked out of the hat as the start date!

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