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Snippets 3

Short and snappy news items, but not enough for a full article

Taxis: The new unified rates for taxi journeys throughout the whole island will come into force next week when Ibiza's 300 taxis will have a new microchip inserted into their metres. Customers calling a radio taxi will automatically pay €1 extra.

Blue Zones: Santa Eulalia will start charging for the use of its 450 blue zone limited-time parking spaces. The cost will be 85 cents an hour.

Gull Cull: The environmental department has authorised the cull of 1500 'yellow feet' seagulls which are endangering the survival of other local species of seagull.

Stained Glass: The Cathedral's stained glass windows are to be cleaned and restored to their original splendour by a specialist company at a cost of €25,000.

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