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Thou Shall Not

The environmental commission has had its proposals for the use and enjoyment of the beaches approved

The environmental commission has had its proposals for the use and enjoyment of the beaches approved by San Antonio town council. The new rules seem pretty much common sense anyway, but they certainly 'firm up' what can be considered anti-social beach behaviour and give the police some clout as regards punishment.

So, from now on, the following misdemeanours are formerly prohibited;

Thou shall not drive a car, motorbike, or animal powered vehicle.

Thou shall not walk about selling things such as fruit, CD's and fake goods of all descriptions.

Thou shall not erect a tent nor light a camp (or barbecue) fire.

Thou shall not drop litter nor allow your pets to foul the beach.

And yea, verily, anyone caught breaking these commandments shall surely be fined an amount from €750 to €3000 depending on the gravity and regularity of the infraction!

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