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Balearia Bad News

One of shipping company Balearia's fleet is at present marooned on rocks

One of shipping company Balearia's fleet is at present marooned on rocks at the Illa d´es Penjats, a small island between Ibiza and Formentera.

The Rolón Sur, a cargo ship which regularly runs the route from Denia to Ibiza, got into difficulties on Saturday morning as it passed through a shallow channel in this particularly tricky stretch of water.

All 22 people on board the 111-metre ship, including 1 passenger, were soon evacuated by helicopter and all were pronounced fit and well after a hospital check up.

At the moment there are two theories as to the cause of the incident; Balearia blames 4-metre waves and 80-KMPH winds, whilst others say that human error could be to blame because the ship should not have been in this area at all due to the shallowness of the seas.

A special rescue ship has been sent to try to refloat the stranded vessel and tow it to port, but so far bad weather has prevented any success.

It certainly proved a memorable maiden voyage for one member of the crew who only started his maritime career two days beforehand!

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