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Vorsprung durch Technik

Thanks to German technology the bells of Ibiza cathedral will soon be ringing as they did 400 years ago

Thanks to German technology the bells of Ibiza cathedral will soon be ringing as they did 400 years ago. The bells have just been restored to their original tone and splendour by a specialist German workshop with over 70 years experience in bell technology.

Special material, just like the original, had to be used on the 5 bells, two of which date back to the 16th century, and the other three to the 17th. After tonal restoration the weighty bells were sand blasted to remove centuries of green oxidisation, and now are a gleaming shiny bronze.

Technology has also aided the actual ringing of the bells, which has been mechanised by a Valencian company and will be controlled by a special computer which actually has a hunched back!

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