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Traffic Safety

A recent civil campaign to reduce speed on the public highway successfully collected 9,000 signatures from island residents.

A recent civil campaign to reduce speed on the public highway successfully collected 9,000 signatures from island residents.

As a result of this, traffic bosses have just announced that new fixed and mobile radar facilities will be used in the very near future to control speed on the roads. Meanwhile members of the island's Civil Protection Units have volunteered to give up valuable bed time and instead are out and about in the middle of the night breathalysing would be motorists.

The volunteers are stationed around Ibiza's boozy night-spots and give a free breath/alcohol test to anybody weaving in the general direction of a car.

Those with more than the legal limit of 0.25 milligrams of alcohol per litre of air are warned that they should not attempt to drive a car, and this included one test on Friday night with a result of 3.1mgl, 12 times over the limit!

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