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Sweet taste of success

Four wines produced on Ibiza won prizes at last Monday's Viniterraneus wine festival held at one of the island's big hotels.

Four wines produced on Ibiza won prizes at last Monday's Viniterraneus wine festival held at one of the island's big hotels.

The festival is a combination of a competition, a wine tasting, and a talk by experts, and over 2,500 people gladly paid to attend. Over 120 bodegas had their wines, liquors, and Cavas on show, and a good time was had by all. The island prizewinners were up against competition from all over the world and did remarkably well.

A gold medal was awarded to the Can Rich Bodega for its Tinto Selección 2001, Vins de Tanys Mediterranis received a silver for its Cos d´Uc 2002, and both bodegas received diplomas of merit for two other wines. Congratulations to both of them!

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