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<strong>New London Office</strong>

The image of the Balearic islands is so unjustly, and unjustifiably bad in Britain that a new office is being set up to defend the islands against 'the cruelty' of certain sections of the media.

The image of the Balearic islands is so unjustly, and unjustifiably bad in Britain that a new office is being set up to defend the islands against 'the cruelty' of certain sections of the media.

Despite the serious press publishing several articles during last season about the undeniable pleasures of the wonderful countryside, beaches, restaurants, sporting activities, and historical and cultural aspects of the island a worse image still persists.

All thanks to 'Tabloids Uncovered' the prejudicial image of Ibiza is one of all-day-all-night hedonism, young people, booze, and drugs, when in fact only a small minority of visitors fit into this category. We wish the new office every success in turning round the image of the island in the public perception.

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