Twenty Questions

The tourist information officers of Ibiza must split their sides every day laughing at some of the strange questions they are asked in the course of their duties...

The tourist information officers of Ibiza must split their sides every day laughing at some of the strange questions they are asked in the course of their duties. A recent report has revealed some of the odd, to say the least, questions that are posed. Here are just a few...

'Where is the beach that has a rock in the middle that looks just like the Queen of England?'

'Where can I change my dollars into pesetas?' (Pesetas, remember them?)

'Where is the statue of the man eating a hot dog?' (San Antonio's 'Shouting Man', methinks.)

'Can I throw my tampon into the sea as I'm on a boat and my period?'

'Which is the village where the hippies live'

'How old is Ibiza?'

'Which night do the men dress up as women?'

And so it goes. Every word is true by the way!