Interview: Magda - Plastikman Tour

We speak to one of the scene's most foremost ladies, ahead of the UK leg of the Plastikman tour she is supporting on.

To someone who doesn't know it, what is Plastikman all about?

Plastikan originated in the dark warehouses of Detroit and actually it was one of the first parties I went to, so now in the modern sense, it's a big LED show with loads of visuals and a lot of imagery reflected those times of warehouse rave culture. So he's in this sphere, performing live, all the songs are re-worked and it's a one hour live show and it's impressive definitely. Worth seeing for sure.

This is obviously different from a normal club experience, what's the atmosphere like?

It's definitely more of a concert vibe, but it's a dance concert obviously, people dance for sure and the live show has weird bits in it but it's very dancey too.

What's your involvement in the shows?

I either play warm up or close, depending.....

Ah, so you and Ambivalent change?


So how do you actually play a warm-up or follow on from Plastikman?

AH-HA! That is the question. It's pretty much impossible to follow that live show, so you just have to feel out the crowd and do your thing somehow, make it make. Each venue is different, each crowd is different, each party is different, so yeah just try to adjust somehow.

You've done several of these before, including one at MTV in Ibiza. How have the previous shows been?

Well the Ibiza one was actually super cool, I was really nervous because Rich was playing very fast and very techno and that's not really my sound and how I play. So I wasn't sure where to take, whether to pump it out or do I just start and not try to follow it or top it, cos it's impossible. So I did my thing and it worked and it was ok, but it's tough.

The tour in the UK, at least, they are generally big arenas and big rooms

Rich's show is explosive and dynamic, so you can't try and top that, you just have to build people up to that or follow it in a nice way.

I know Rich is like the number one technology guru, but what's your position on technology and how you use it?

I'm interested in new technology, but i'm not a techno nerd like him, he really knows everything. One thing about M-nus is progression of technology and I've learned a lot through those years. I really love to integrate new things and I use analogue effects.

What do you think about the increase in the use of technology during a performance now?

I guess you can't say if that's how things are going to go, but the lines have blurred much more between live performances and DJing, especially with the visual aspect. But the aspect of putting 2 records on and mixing them will always be around, but yeah the live performance and technological advancements are really exciting. So one isn't taking over from the other, but interesting changes are happening.

Sure, if someone has the ability to do a thousand things on stage, maybe it's too much or takes away from the whole vibe and it depends a lot on the individual performer. So they use the tools in an interesting way.....I mean I've heard some DJs over-clutter their sets whereas others balance what they are doing.

Let's clear up the whole you leaving M-nus thing, there seemed to be a lot of gossip about that when it happened?

I wish it was that dramatic but it's not! It just came where I was going down a different path than M-nus, which is totally natural and happens, I mean I'd been with them forever since 1998, so I just want to do my own thing and have full control of every aspect.

So when people "Magda has left M-nus", all it meant was that you were going to be releasing music through your own outlet?

Yeah, pretty much. It's a different feeling to have something of your own and make all the decision for that.

So how is it going and what are the plans for 'Items and Things'?

It's going amazing, I'm really happy, we have a great time and everyone is working their asses off. I've never been so busy in my life. We're all really excited and putting our efforts into and its something we truly believe in. We're getting great demos from people and we just want to make the releases really strong. We're generally open minded to what we receive and it's good to be able to have the final say as to what works and what we put out. And, also it's good that the three of us have to make this decision, it's a funny process.

So what is forthcoming?

Troy's EP is next and that's cool because it's the first release from him in a while, then Marc's single comes after that. We've just released a Various artist EP, two artists from Paris and others from Argentina and Mexico and they are just people I've met on my travels and i'm happy to be able to help them and get their music out cos it's cool. Although, if someone gave me an ambient demo and it was good, then we could release that also. We just have to agree on it, that's the only rule, all three of us have to agree.

Is there any musical philosophy between the three of you that you are all following?

Yes, i think it's something that is unique and special and fresh. We don't want to release redundant things and the things we have released cross some genres and that's interesting. So, I think each track has to have something that catches us, whether it's a little sound or a big hook, it has to contain that one special element.

I know you played a lot in Ibiza this year, so I wanted to ask how your summer was?

It was cool but I feel like I didn't really stay, I just came and went, so I didn't get to enjoy the island as much as usual.

Berlin has obviously been a big influence on you and your music and it's also a big centre for electronic music, in the same way as Ibiza. What trends are you seeing there right now?

One thing I've always loved about Berlin is that there is always something new popping up and there is a lot of it. Berlin just seem to be always going out in Berlin. But yeah, there are new venues and new parties popping up all the time and yeah it's definitely a good place to go to hear local artists who are really talented.

Have you noticed any trends in your own music and sets that seem to have really been connecting with people recently?

Well the trend for the last year or two has been very housey and disco orientated, lot of vocals and I've always loved disco and especially dark-electro 80s disco. But that's cool, cos I get to play those records and elements more and people respond well to it and it's also been fun for me too.

What about your own production plans at the moment?

I'm working on my own album for next year and also a live show to go along side that.

What kind of live show exactly?

It will be a visual show but also a lot different from what's already out there, but that's all I can say at the moment.

Magda joins Richie Hawtin for the Plastikman 1.5 Live UK Tour performing at:

Manchester Academy (1st Dec)

O2 Academy Brixton (2nd Dec)

Glasgow Barrowlands (3rd Dec)


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