Carl Cox Sunset Terrace set

More Coxy = more fun.

Cancel your dinner and drinks plans folks - everyone going to the Carl Cox opening party at Space tonight is in for a techno appetizer you won't want to be late for. Head of the party and all round awesome-sort Carl Cox has decided to make an extra appearance on his opening night, playing from 11pm-midnight in the Sunset Terrace. It's not unheard of for Coxy to make such an addition tp his schedule, but it's always a rare and special occasion not to be missed.

So start your night with an hour of faaaaantastic tech from the biggest smile in dance music, and follow it up with Coxy's standard epic set from 3am 'til close of the cosy little room they call the Space Discoteca. Ibiza Sonica will be broadcasting the Sunset Terrace hours from 10pm-midnight, so if you can't make it down, tune in to get a taste of the magic from your home, car or bar.

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