Noah's Ark is now boarding

The Zoo Project boat party is on sale for 2015.

The latest boat party to mobilise for 2015 is the Zoo Project's Noah's Ark, where the animalistic playfulness of the popular Benimussa Hills party takes to the high seas, acting as the official pre-party to Zoo Project on land.

Sailing from San Antonio every Saturday from the 6th of June to the 26th of September Noah's Ark will cruise around the island of Es Vedra off the coast of Ibiza whilst you party with drink in hand, enjoying on-board entertainment by the tribal dance crew Minx FX and music from Zoo resident DJs. Free food and two drinks are included in the ticket price, and after that the bar is stocked well at a reasonable price. It's basically just like the biblical Noah's Ark, only replace apocalyptic floods with gentle swell and sun, paired animals with young revellers covered in glitter paint and over-directed performances from Russel Crowe and Jennifer Connelly with a sweet dance troupe and a plate of free fruit, if you follow.

If you're looking to save money, now is the time to be buying your tickets for this. They're currently going for 55€ a pop, which includes transport and entry to Zoo Poject straight afterwards, so the party doesn't have to end at the dock.

We also are still selling Zoo Project tickets (without boat party) at earlybird rates of 30€, and even better than the low-cost is the 'change your mind' clause currently included on these tickets. We know it's still early to be committing to dates, so tickets you buy for Zoo Project right now are valid for entry on ANY of the Zoo Project Saturdays (as well as the venue opening party at the end of May). Which means that even if your ticket has a date on it, you can use it for another date instead.

PHOTO | Zoo Project

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