Los residentes | Gustin

Profiling an island personality.


Dubliner Gustin arrived on Ibiza in 2015 following a six year stint in Amsterdam.

The DJ is on the books for The Soundgarden, as well as A&Ring for onedotsixtwo and has multiple projects on the spin at any one time.

Describing his sound as "progressive, with a twist", Gustin's musical backbone is Progressive House, with diversions to Techno, Deep House and Electronica. He's also a DJ who revels in the extended set format, preferring to build a journey over several hours.

His artist Soundcloud page is a treasure trove of recorded sets. We can't recommend his monthly Synchronicity radio show highly enough. October's show, from Alma Beach in Port des Torrent, can be listened to below.

On Ibiza, home is tucked behind the airport "almost on the runway", he jokes. You might think that sounds like a hectic location to live, but Gustin loves it, citing its proximity to Sa Caleta and Las Salinas as ideal and close enough to either cycle or walk.

Perhaps its his Irish upbringing, the Dutch way of living rubbed-off or a combination of both, but it's clear that Gustin loves the outdoors and being in the fresh air - as evidenced, not only by his organic take on electronic music, but his newest venture: Streaming From Ibiza.

Ahead of his appearance at Akasha supporting mentor Nick Warren this Friday, we spoke to him in depth.


Hi Gustin. We understand you've recently flown back from Amsterdam.

"Amsterdam is very special to me as I used to live there. When I go back it's like going back home. I have a huge affinity with the Dutch mentality, particularly their attitude to clubbing, which is very inclusive and diverse."

Let's talk about the exciting project you are fronting, Streaming From Ibiza. What is it all about?

"Streaming From Ibiza started as a reaction to the surge of livestreams during lockdown.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan DJs being a visual interest. I believe that the music is the most important thing. Generally, aside from a few air-punches and knob twiddles, there is not much to see when we're working.

I figured that if I was going to do the streaming thing, I wanted to make the primary focus the location and not the DJ. I also thought it would be a nice idea to share Ibiza with many people around the world who were not able to be here the past couple of years.

Given the remoteness of Ibiza's landscape, I decided that I needed a mobile, silent power source so we could film anywhere on the island. After some research, I found a new generation of battery power bank capable of powering a full set-up for long periods."

"I spoke to Mike Parry from Lucky Life about the idea. He's a good friend of mine and he loved the idea, agreeing to get involved using his experience in filming and editing.

So far we have released one stream which featured me playing a sunrise set on the top of Torre des Molar near San Miguel which is a watchtower from the 1700s that used to be used to lookout for incoming pirate boats that would regularly storm the island in the 18th Century.

We are currently planning the next shoot, which will be at another amazing location but this time during sunset."

The video looks great, Torre des Molar stunning and the music suitably uplifting. We look forward to see where you shoot from next. All the best with the project.

Away from the big clubs that everybody knows, Ibiza is full of understated gems. Are there any in particular that you recommend our readers checking out?

"I have to mention the beautiful Sunset Ashram at Cala Conta. I was fortunate enough to be a weekly resident there for two summers when I first moved to the island. The vibe there during and after sunset is perfect. It almost moves you to tears."

Gustin playing at Sunset Ashram overlooking beautiful Cala Conta

"Another interesting one I played, was at an amazing natural cave on private land near San Carlos a couple of years back. It's not the kind of place you get into without being invited, if you know what I mean.

That said, anything can happen if you are in the right place at the right time with the right people. That's one of the beauties of Ibiza I think.

There is so much to discover on this island. Even after seven years living here, I'm still constantly finding new places."

It's interesting you mention San Carlos. Another hidden gem, at least where the majority of tourists are concerned, is Las Dalias of course. It's new club space Akasha is already making a big impact since its launch in 2021.

"Akasha is a really positive new addition to the island. The compact size of the venue makes it viable to have events there throughout winter too.

Igor Marijuan is running bookings there. He has done a really amazing job in creating a stunning look, sound and feeling in what was previously quite a basic rectangular room. I'm very excited to see how it progresses."

Ethereal, a party you've played at in the past, was back at Las Dalias last week. For those that don't know, what is the party all about?

"Ethereal fuses music, art and visual performances as one. Vito, the party's founder, is a close friend, but also a visionary promoter. He and his team do this amazingly well. The vibe and spirit of the event really suit Ibiza and its early party heritage.

I feel a part of something special when I play there."

Let's talk about the main party you're affiliated with. You've been heavily involved with The Soundgarden for many years now.

"I've been playing for them for about five years and it has been nothing but a joy - a real dream come true. I'm resident for the events both here in Ibiza and globally, but I also help out with the record label behind the scenes.

Both Nick and Petra, The Soundgarden's co-founder and creative director, are not only supportive but genuinely lovely people. We're very good friends first-and-foremost. They have also given me some amazing opportunities to grow and given me a huge amount of trust."

Nick Warren b2b Hernán Cattáneo at Cova Santa last July came Ibiza Spotlight-certified

"Nick is a great person. Even after so long at the top of his game, he remains a very humble guy, always up for a bit of banter with the fans. Both he and Petra have taught me a lot about the inner workings of the business too. I'll be forever grateful."

We had the pleasure of attending the party at Cova Santa last summer - one of our highlights from 2021.

"That party at Cova Santa was incredible. To have Nick and Hernán Cattáneo back playing together on the island after such a crazy 18 months felt like a sign we had turned the corner. They were fantastic as they always are - the energy was electric."

It was indeed palpable. This coming Friday you support Nick at Akasha in one of the biggest (and last) parties before the summer kicks-off proper. What's it going to feel like?

"It will be my first time playing there, so that's a big deal for me. As I said earlier, I have a lot of respect for what Igor and the team are doing up there. It's an amazing room. It's also my first club gig in Ibiza since the the world fell off its hinges!

I'll be playing with my great friend and all round legend Nick Warren and last but not least there is going to be a lot of really great friends from the island in attendance, which will make it all the more special."

Have you got any special tracks in the works for the night?

"I certainly do. I'm in the process of starting a new record label. I've already started to sign new music for it, so I will be testing out some of them, amongst other amazing, exclusive new tracks I have been sent recently."

It sounds like a dream. Dare I say, this could be best season warm-up in Ibiza history!

Gustin plays alongside Nick Warren on Friday 22 April at Akasha in a night dedicated to deep, melodic and proggressive soundscapes.

Online pre-sale tickets, cheaper than the price on the door, can be purchased exclusively from Ibiza Spotlight below.

Listados Akasha Springtime Parties - 2025

Las Dalias - Akasha

The Cosmic Jungle x La Tipi

Las Dalias garden (free entry open to 23.00 h)
Akasha (from 23.00 h to close)

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