Where and when to use masks on Ibiza since 13th July 2020

How to stay safe and respect the new mask laws.

There's been a lot of press about the new law concerning the compulsory wearing of masks on the Balearic Islands since 13th July. We'd like to reassure you and give you the facts as best we know them right now, to let you know that there are lots of exceptions and that it most probably won't affect your holiday as much as you think.

Anyone over the age of 6 must wear a mask in most public places outside and inside, except:

  • On the beach.
  • Whilst eating and drinking - masks need to be worn on entering an establishment and whilst waiting to be seated and served - maskes can be removed when drinks or food arrives at your table.
  • Whilst practising sport.
  • Outside urban zones - i.e. in nature: walking, biking, etc.
  • In and around pools and pool terraces, as long as the minimum distance of 1.5m between you and people you don't live/stay with is maintained.

This information is taken directly from the decree issued by the Balearic government: BOIB Num. 123, sec. III, page 23708. There can be a fine of up to 100€ for not obeying these rules, the police have said they will only start applying this fine from the 20th July. We hope there will generally be some leniency in applying fines, especially for first-time offenders. However, these rules are in place to ensure we avoid new COVID-19 spikes on the island and hopefully keep Ibiza open right until the end of the season!

Things will undoubtedly change and we will keep this article updated with the latest info as we receive it.

See which restaurants are open this year and check out some of the amazing things to do on water and on land.

Our pick of carefully selected vehicle rental businesses should be your first stop for car and scooter hire - check them out.

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