Ibiza and Formentera night skies

A gallery of the stars over Ibiza and Formentera.


Ibiza and Formentera are blessed with some iconic locations for lovers of astrophotography. Combined with generally clear skies and low light pollution, we enjoy excellent conditions for near-perfect views of the night sky and memorable photo opportunities.

Stick around after sunset, on the west coast, and you will often be treated to clear views of Venus, Jupiter or Mars, following the sun as it drops below the horizon. On the east coast, you can be treated the magical spectacle of the full moon rising magestically from the sea.

From Cala d'Hort to Platja Migorn, Milky-Way chasers can delight in these spectacular settings from March to November, when its centre is visible above the horizon. You'll have to get up very early at the moment though (April/May), the shots of Es Vedrà here were taken at 5 am in the morning!

In August, the Perseid meteor shower comes alive over Ibiza and Formentera, for those lucky to be away from the city lights. Lie on a dark beach, looking towards the north after midnight, and you will be amazed by the spectacle of up to 60 meteoroids per hour!

Other great locations to check out for clear skies are Portinatx, Salinas and Santa Inés.


See our article about how to take an epic landscape photo.

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