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Good vibes only at Space's 28th anniversary bash

Rossko plugged it as his best party of the season. Round two is upon us.

Anyone who's been in Ibiza for the past week or so will know that it's been HOT – very, very hot. Barking at anyone who mentioned having air con in their apartment became acceptable, and being sprawled out on the apartment floor because it's the coldest spot in the gaff was the done deed.

However, if you know Ibiza weather patterns you'd have had an inkling that it would culminate in a beastly thunder storm. That lightning-loaded earth porn happened to gatecrash Space's 28th anniversary at Benimussa Park. Not exactly ideal, what with the venue being open air, but it certainly separates clubbers into two groups: the truly devoted, and for lack of finding a better word – the pussies. It's only a bit of water, eh? Anyhow, are we not all sick of wearing next to nothing; get us in those waterproof cagouls.

Now, the short-lived torrential rain might have called off some of the action in the Seal Pit and Living Room, but with us feeling relieved and revived by that much-needed temperature dip, you had a crowd that was ready to take on the Tree House stage with all their muscle.

Arriving in for British bruiser Rossko, it was game on from the Game Over crew. Locking in a bolting succession of juddering beats, the crowd was throwing themselves right at it. Italian DJ Stefano Noferini slid in next to champion Space's ethos of no gimmicks and no nonsense. Noferini's identity - along with all the selectors on the line-up – was kept under wraps, and for that you knew that those who turned out really wanted to be there, especially with the unannounced downpour.

Our dance floor fodder was deeply wound, grooving house and techno that was penetrated by a couple of flaming monsters, including Fango's track Vena Cava. Research in psychology has long said that smiles encourage more smiles; it's a rippling effect. You can't help but return a big cheeser when you're on the receiving of one from another joyful human, and you could count plenty of exposed teeth among that pack of roving ravers.

Noferini rode that rocket out to give those stars a good dusting, and brought it tenderly back down to earth with Tale Of Us' emotive remix of Hans Zimmer's Time. He teased us out a little before giving us one last burst of heady energy in his last track of the night, which signalled a rip-roar applause. Reactions indicated that Space's 28th anniversary celebrations were well executed, and the sense that the hallowed club is still very much in the hearts and minds of clubbers was palpable.

To the clubbers who had the fear that they'd lost time partying due to the rain, the dance floor exploits continued indoors at Benimussa Park's indoor Panda Room with a trusty unit of selectors. Get in.

British DJ and producer Rossko, who was first booked by Space a decade ago, spilled nothing but positive words of enthusiasm for the first of Space's anniversary celebrations:

From the moment I walked in, the guys took care of me really well. There's no bullshit; it's purely good vibes. All the people turned up in the rain and I said, ´wow, this is really about the music and the party.' For them to do it unannounced also gets my respect. Doing it this way eliminates all the bullshit, and you're left with the good core - something that is very hard to find in Ibiza and I go around all the parties to see what's buzzing. Genuinely, it's the best gig I´ve had in Ibiza this summer. There's no fuss with style or fashion – only good vibrations here.”

Inspiring words indeed. With round two upon us this Wednesday, will you be there? Do it. All those who didn't come to the last event because of the rain can use their tickets again and according to forecasts, it's sunshine all the way.

Buy your tickets here.

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