Flower Power lands at Destino for a one-off

Take a trip back to 1967 with the official Flower Power Beat Experience Festival at Destino.

Dust off your flares. They're going for a 12-hour spin around Destino Ibiza. The Flower Power Beat Experience Festival party is treating us to an explosion of freedom and unity, venturng back to the 60s.

Save the date for Thursday 13 July as Destino Ibiza will be presenting this one day festival extravaganza. Kicking off at 12pm come explore The Spiritual Garden, dip in the pool then chill out on the luscious lawn, before grabbing a bite from an array of street food stalls.

On top of all that, you will catch analog musical acts and live art performances that will trip your mind. Open-air visuals, holistic experiences and technology motor collection exhibitions are only some of the things to get excited about.

Onwards into the night, see the party filter onto the main stage from 18:00. Authentic Flower Power acts will get you into the swing of things. Artists such as DJ Pippi and DJ Domi will get the funky disco house going, with a special DJ set from Victor Nebot. Dance under the stars until midnight then the fiesta continues inside in Destino's nightclub Tox.

This unique celebration is in honour of the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love. Come trip with us and experience 1967 California, a space of pure psychedelia. Guaranteed to be an Ibiza party for the history books, this is event will exude what true Ibiza is all about.

With free entry before 17:00, not making it to this event would be a big mistake. Check below for full details.

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