Festival of San Juan across Ibiza

The Festival of San Juan (John the Bapist) is an Ibiza-wide experience.

According to Christianity, St John the Baptist was a prophet sent by God to prepare people for the coming of Christ.

Baptism rituals in the Jordan River were an important part of his ministry, and he is thought to have baptised Jesus. He attracted large crowds to his river-side preachings about the evils of the time, and when he denounced King Herod for his adulterous and incestuous marriage, he was arrested and beheaded.

It is said that just as St John the Baptist prepared people for the coming of Christ, his brutal death prepared Jesus's followers for his crucifixion.

Every year festivals take place throughout many cities and towns in Spain, in particular the Catalan-speaking areas, to honour the birth of St John the Baptist on 24th June.

Here in Ibiza, the Festival of Saint John, or San Juan, is celebrated from the 21st June to 24th June and whilst San Juan village itself is, of course, the focus of the celebrations, most towns will also be hosting their own parties and events.

This is one of Ibiza's most popular and raucous fiestas, which features people jumping over small fires (correfocs), fireworks and firecrackers. Other events include traditional folk dancing, exhibitions, wine making competition and wine tasting, local Ibiza food and refreshments, games, live music and the annual "macaroons de Sant Joan" contest.

The Day of San Juan itself begins with a solemn morning mass and procession from the church to the town hall square, followed by more celebrations and culminating in a spectacular firework display in the evening.

A great way to welcome in the summer, this exciting and fiery festival, which drives away the evil spirits and signifies purification and re-birth, is one not to be missed if you are lucky enough to be here on Ibiza.

For up to date event details across the island, please check our What's on / Events Calendar - https://www.ibiza-spotlight.com/events

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