Your basic spanish phrasebook
Yes |
Sí |
No |
No |
Please |
Por favor |
Thank you |
Gracias |
Good morning |
Buenos días |
Good afternoon |
Buenas tardes |
Good evening / night |
Buenas noches |
The Spanish like to differentiate between the above three. Morning is until 12 am. Afternoon is until about 7 pm. After that it is night time. |
How are you? |
Qué tal? / Cómo estás? / Cómo está? (formal) |
My name is ..... |
Me llamo ..... |
What's your name? |
Cómo te llamas? / Cómo se llama? (formal) |
Where is the beach? |
Dónde está la playa? |
Where is the hotel .......? |
Dónde está el hotel .....? |
You may realise now that dónde está means 'where is'. You can now combine that with the following: |
The bank |
El banco |
The nearest bar |
El bar más cercano |
The bus stop |
La parada de autobús |
Where can I buy bread? |
Dónde puedo comprar pan? |
Where can I buy water? |
Dónde puedo comprar agua? |
Obviously dónde puedo comprar means 'where can I buy'. Practise this with the following: |
Cigarettes |
Tabaco |
Ice cream |
Helados |
Beer |
Cerveza |
Something to smoke |
(you must be joking!) |
See below for many more groceries. |
Shopping for groceries
Apple |
Manzana |
man-tha-na |
A few Basics
All Spanish words, which end in a vowel, -n, -s or -z, are pronounced with the emphasis on the second to last syllable - this is the case with most Spanish words (see list above, emphasized syllable in italics).
All words, which end with another consonant, are pronounced with the emphasis on the last syllable (e.g. hotel - ho-tel). Exceptions have an accent to denote where the emphasis should be placed (see rice = arróz - a-roth).
The Spanish love to roll their 'R's - you can practice this at home before you come to Ibiza, for instance...brrrrrrrr! it's cold here!
Don't be shy!! There are many residents who have been living in Ibiza for many years with only a limited vocabulary. The Spanish, and more particularly the Ibizans, are a very tolerant people. Most if not all (especially in the resorts) speak excellent English.
Have some fun practicing your Spanish whilst on holiday in Ibiza...a little can go a very long way, and the warm smiles you will receive from the locals as they appreciate you making an effort make it all worthwhile!