Cinema Paradiso brings open air movies to the old town - NOT AVAILABLE

Cinema Paradiso will return to this old square, as host of movie nights during the summer 2019.

Cada sáb desde 27 julio 2019 hasta 21 septiembre 2019, a partir de 21:00
Dónde: Baluarte Sant Pere, Dalt Vila, Ibiza Town (Eivissa)

Relax on your comfy daybed to experience cinema under the stars at Cinema Paradiso. Open-air movies are becoming something of an island phenomenon, with places like the old town of Ibiza. The ultimate cinema experience.

A full body bean bag, drink and popcorn are included and the open air setting makes for an unforgettable cinema experience all for 16.

  • 27 July - HUMAN TRAFFIC - 21:30
  • 27 July - GREEN BOOK - 23:30
  • 10 August - A QUIET PLACE - 21:30
  • 10 August - TRUE ROMANCE - 23:30
  • 17 August - DEATH AT A FUNERAL - 21:30
  • 17 August - GAME NIGHT - 23:30
  • 24 August - THE GREATEST SHOWMAN - 21:00
  • 24 August - WIDOWS - 23:30
  • 31 August - REVENGE - 23:30
  • 14 September - I ORIGINS - 21:00
  • 14 September - ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY - 23:30
  • 21 September - A STAR IS BORN - 21:00
  • 21 September - IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK - 23:30

All movies are shown in English with Spanish subtitles.

More info on Cinema Paradiso Ibiza website.

Baluarte Sant Pere, Dalt Vila